Bully Walks


Next Bully Walk to Be advised



 Due to the large numbers of dogs that turn up to our bully walks there is a potential for dogs to have a disagreement with each other.  Some basic ground rules are required on our walks so that everyone has a great time.  If you are intending to come to one of our walks, please heed the following:

 1.      Ensure that your dog remains on a lead at all times!

2.      Just because your dog is on a lead, does not mean he is under your control! Be aware of where your dog is at all times! Incidents often occur when you are distracted or chatting with someone. Bull terriers are cheeky and will often poke the bear when you are not looking!

3.      Be respectful of other dogs and their space. Do not let your dog sneak up behind other dogs, don’t allow your dog to jump on or behave aggressively towards other dogs. Please ask the owner before allowing your dog to greet a strange dog.

4.      When walking near other dogs, keep at least a metre’s distance between yourself and others. Don’t tailgate!

5.      Children are not strong enough to walk bull terriers, please ensure on our walks that only an adult or strong teenager is holding the lead!

6.      If your dog is a bit grumpy or has a tendancy to snap at other dogs, please warn others who approach or get too close. This way, they can be extra careful and you can enjoy the walk without fear of someone sneaking up! And be careful of un-desexed males, they can be unpredictable especially with other entire males.

7.      Committee members or experienced handlers will be on every bully walk and will be made known to you. If such a person advises you that your dog is displaying risky behaviour or they do not feel he is under proper control, please take the advice constructively. We do not mean to offend or upset you, however experienced handlers can often prevent an incident by reading your dog’s body language or judging when a situation is becoming unsafe.

8.      If your dog is involved in an incident you may be asked to walk at the back and away from the other dogs. This is for your dog’s safety and everyone else’s.

9.      Finally – If your dog’s behaviour is considered too risky for him to continue the walk, you may be asked to take him home. If this happens to you, don’t despair, you can always come along to the walks without your dog and meet other members. You may be able to find a member who you can meet up with locally and try walking your dogs together in much calmer surroundings. Bully walks can get very exciting for some dogs and this can sometimes turn to aggression so we need to adapt to our dogs needs if this is the case. Your dog’s behaviour will not improve by constantly putting him in situations he cannot handle. It is unfair on him and unfair to others.

 Thank you

 BTCV Inc.  


Jells Park - Jan 2017










**Bully Walk at Jells Park Feb 2015**















 **Flagstaff Gardens **




















**Further Pic's of other Bully Walks**

















Contact Details

The Secretary
P O Box 1635, Melton West 3337, VIC, Australia
Email : [email protected]